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| Quote Claypitrhino="Claypitrhino"One thing that has occurred to me this morning and it's something I've been guilty of amid all of this, is that a lot of us have posted saying things like he's stupid to put himself in this situation......
However if it was minchella that made the assault, what could he have done? This was 6 days before a game and he's entitled to be out until all hours, I've seen Watkins and many other players alike out until that time and beyond many a time, so until we know exactly what's happened I think we're wrong to say he's been stupid or daft to put himself in this situation after all he can't control the actions of another individual.'"
I know what you mean but I still think he's daft to be out that late during the season. I don't think anyone would have a problem with any of the players going out on a night and having a few drinks. But the bit where maturity, responsibility and professionalism would kick in is around half 11/midnight. Around then he should be thinking "hang on, I'm a pro RL player and the season has just started, maybe I'd best go home". Staying out til half 2 is a drinking binge not just a few drinks. Which I don't care if he does in the off-season (as long as its not often enough to affect his fitness) but when the season starts he needs to switch on. It's the price he pays for playing the sport he loves for a living.
I don't think its the crime of the century (staying out late) but it's just a tad disappointing from a top player. And I think that alone sums up Hardaker ie a bit daft.
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| Quote Gotcha="Gotcha"In another twist, and maybe Minchella's dad can help with this, as he doesn't seem to be posting, although maybe understandable. I am led to believe that the club were aware of this incident three weeks ago, when the person "allegedly" assaulted, reported it to the club. The police at that time were still deciding if it was worth pursuing.
The club, as they have done many times in the past, especially with the likes of Bailey and Delaney, decided it best just to let it lie, unless something came up. When it came up last week they took the action they did.
It is an hypocritical way to work if true, but no doubt repeated by all clubs I would guess.
Also seems strange why the police, would release photos to the media, when the person "allegedly" assaulted told them from day one about the Rhinos players.
Of course the above is actually assuming it is them after all this. Maybe they say it isn't them.'"
Hello Gotcha, you're right it's best I keep a bit quiet. Understandably lots of speculating what's happened and what's not happened
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| Quote Clearwing="Clearwing"I'd imagine the police are looking for witnesses, hence releasing the pics.
IF the club had only received an uncorroborated complaint I wouldn't really expect them to act in public.
Confronted by photographic evidence that placed two players - or their doppelgangers - at the scene then I'd expect a different reaction.
Not hypocritical in my book.'"
Wouldn't any other witnesses have been there thus been captured on cctv too thus why weren't their pictures shown? From what I recall the article wasn't asking for witnesses merely if anybody could identify the two men.
I agree with you on the part about what could the club realistically done. I would imagine the club asked the two players about but I doubt they sat there grinning like Cheshire cats admitting it. They'll have said it wasn't them or possibly that the lad took the first shot (remember the Billy Slater incident outside a nightclub at the start of the 2013 WC)......so what then? Discipline them on the say so of a student with little/no evidence.
Also on the drinking front. Whilst the odds are pretty strong that they will be been......there's no evidence that they had a drink or at least enough to be drunk.
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| Quote ThePrinter="ThePrinter"Wouldn't any other witnesses have been there thus been captured on cctv too thus why weren't their pictures shown? From what I recall the article wasn't asking for witnesses merely if anybody could identify the two men.
I agree with you on the part about what could the club realistically done. I would imagine the club asked the two players about but I doubt they say there grinning like Cheshire cats admitting it. They'll have said it wasn't them or possibly that the lad took the first shot (remember the Billy Slater incident outside a nightclub at the start of the 2013 WC)......so what then? Discipline them on the say so of a student with little/no evidence.
Also on the drinking front. Whilst the odds are pretty strong that they will be been......there's no evidence that they had a drink or at least enough to be drunk.'"
It seems to me that Leeds did the right thing. In the first instance you should always seek to support and protect your employees. Leeds have a good record of doing this. I'm sure there are allegations involving rugby players all the time. You can't just react without evidence.
It also seems to me that Zac is rather unfortunate. His various misdemeanours don't really add up to very much at all. I mean giving a student a couple of black eyes is hardly worth all this fuss. (If it had been done by another student for example, would the guy have gone to the police? Not a chance)
The thing is, and this is where I think Leeds did slip up, they should have just played him against Warrington anyway. Taking him out of the game seems like an admission of guilt.
I'm betting that Zak's future is firmly at Leeds. It will all be forgotten in a few years time. I've never understood why sports stars are expected to be role models. Expecting rugby players, people who let's face it hit people hard for a living, to be Cistercian monks off the field is really a bit daft.
Having said that - I hope he's still missing on Friday!!!
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| Nobody expects sports stars to behave like Cistercian monks.
What they do expect though is that they are held to the same standard of behaviour as the fans in the stands would be by their employers.
If I smacked someone and ended up with my face (and my employer's details) plastered all over the local media as someone suspected of assault, I'm pretty sure my employer would be taking disciplinary action. Particularly if it wasn't the first time my conduct had reflected badly on them in public.
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| Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"Nobody expects sports stars to behave like Cistercian monks.
What they do expect though is that they are held to the same standard of behaviour as the fans in the stands would be by their employers.
If I smacked someone and ended up with my face (and my employer's details) plastered all over the local media as someone suspected of assault, I'm pretty sure my employer would be taking disciplinary action. Particularly if it wasn't the first time my conduct had reflected badly on them in public.'"
They might do. But you don't play Rugby at the highest level. You aren't (probably) worth all that much to your employer (I'm not either by the way!).
If I went into Leeds and smacked a student around, you would probably never hear of it, and neither would my employer. It certainly wouldn't be plastered all over the media. You've got to admit that Zak is unfortunate in that respect.
Zak is a valuable commodity for Leeds. There aren't that many capable of doing his job. And that's why he's treated differently to you or I. All things considered I think that is fair.
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| Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"What they do expect though is that they are held to the same standard of behaviour as the fans in the stands would be by their employers.'"

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| Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"Nobody expects sports stars to behave like Cistercian monks.
What they do expect though is that they are held to the same standard of behaviour as the fans in the stands would be by their employers.
If I smacked someone and ended up with my face (and my employer's details) plastered all over the local media as someone suspected of assault, I'm pretty sure my employer would be taking disciplinary action. Particularly if it wasn't the first time my conduct had reflected badly on them in public.'"
Whenever stuff like this happens I find comparisons to people with 'normal' jobs a bit out of place tbh.
If you got sacked for assaulting somebody and being in trouble with the police over it, I imagine it would hamper your chances of getting another job. Whereas Hardaker would just stroll into another team here in SL that was challenging for trophies, with no heat on the club for signing him whereas if we kept him we'd get heat for it.
For arguments sake were we left with little choice but to get rid of Hardaker.....then the club would be punished more than the individual for his actions.
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| One of the issues for the club that may come back to bite them is that they set high store on a person's character.
So if for reasons of expediency they decide to keep Hardaker & to select him to play, which they are entitled to do unless he's remanded in custody, what messages does that send out to the rest of the players?
It is really difficult to adopt & maintain the high moral ground in these cases.
Another reason why GH & McDermott may feel particularly let down.
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| Quote ThePrinter="ThePrinter"
For arguments sake were we left with little choice but to get rid of Hardaker.....then the club would be punished more than the individual for his actions.'"
That's a very good point.
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| Quote Old Feller="Old Feller"One of the issues for the club that may come back to bite them is that they set high store on a person's character.
So if for reasons of expediency they decide to keep Hardaker & to select him to play, which they are entitled to do unless he's remanded in custody, what messages does that send out to the rest of the players?
It is really difficult to adopt & maintain the high moral ground in these cases.
Another reason why GH & McDermott may feel particularly let down.'"
At a guess, GH will have dealt with about 50 of these stupid incidents. It's part of his job, and IMO he probably has a right laugh about some of the dumb stuff his idiot players come up with.
In front of the TV cameras GH will treat this as a very serious incident and will be gravely concerned. When speaking to Zak he'll probably give him a similar serious speech. In truth though I doubt he is the slightest bit concerned or bothered about it. His main concern will be getting the clubs lawyers to get Zak the slightest tap on the wrist he can get.
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| Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"Nobody expects sports stars to behave like Cistercian monks.
What they do expect though is that they are held to the same standard of behaviour as the fans in the stands would be by their employers.
If I smacked someone and ended up with my face (and my employer's details) plastered all over the local media as someone suspected of assault, I'm pretty sure my employer would be taking disciplinary action. Particularly if it wasn't the first time my conduct had reflected badly on them in public.'"
I suspect you forget to mention the allegedly and innocent until proved guilty out of your posting.
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| Both players released without charge by the police, the club to continue its own internal disciplinary whitewash... I mean "investigation"
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| Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"Both players released without charge by the police, the club to continue its own internal disciplinary whitewash... I mean "investigation"'"
They've been released without charge *and* the police investigation has been concluded. It's not whitewash if there's nothing there to paint. Move on.
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| Good news that the police have dealt with this speedily.
The club must investigate it properly, following their own internal disciplinary procedures.
This I expect them to do.
So it should not be a whitewash nor need they announce their findings to the world at large.
Hopefully, we can all move on from this & Hardaker will be available for selection this week, if his head is in the right place.
Despite Wigan's apparent poor form we need to have our best 17 available.
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| Good news.
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| Quote Old Feller="Old Feller"
Hopefully, we can all move on from this & Hardaker will be available for selection this week'"
Till his next offence
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| Excellent news but you do have to wonder how many more lessons he's going to need.
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| Quote SouthStander.com="SouthStander.com"Excellent news but you do have to wonder how many more lessons he's going to need.'"
That is the concern.
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| Quote Old Feller="Old Feller"Quote Old Feller="SouthStander.com"Excellent news but you do have to wonder how many more lessons he's going to need.'"
That is the concern.'"
I think that's slightly unfair - there are no charges from the Police and no evidence of him actually having done anything wrong.
His list of 'indiscretions' are hardly major events - infact, I'd say the majority of young blokes say and do a lot worse and commit more 'offences' in 1 night on the grog than Zak has during his time at Leeds.
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| So far his offences in total are falling foul of (along with ultra-professional James Graham) McNamara's unnecessary ego games and missing curfew; Being caught on camera shouting an offensive word during a game that dozens of players have said before; Being a young single man in a halls of residence after hours well away from game day. None of this is perfect, but none of it is extraordinary either.
Add to that his physical disciplinary record on the field is pretty much perfect. This is hardly Gareth Hock. Not sure how much of Sam's bad name is deserved, though it certainly suits fans of other clubs to destabilize him and Leeds to the extent he'll be pushed out. Disappointing that some of our own fans are helping with that work.
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Or is it part 3? 4?...
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| Quote craigizzard="craigizzard"So far his offences in total are falling foul of (along with ultra-professional James Graham) McNamara's unnecessary ego games and missing curfew; Being caught on camera shouting an offensive word during a game that dozens of players have said before; Being a young single man in a halls of residence after hours well away from game day. None of this is perfect, but none of it is extraordinary either.
Add to that his physical disciplinary record on the field is pretty much perfect. This is hardly Gareth Hock. Not sure how much of Sam's bad name is deserved, though it certainly suits fans of other clubs to destabilize him and Leeds to the extent he'll be pushed out. Disappointing that some of our own fans are helping with that work.'"
Should have read Zak not Sam (autocorrect), though non-Wigan fans were very keen to blow anything Sam T did out of proportion for probably exactly the same reasons.
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| Quote craigizzard="craigizzard"Add to that his physical disciplinary record on the field is pretty much perfect. This is hardly Gareth Hock. '"
No. More Lee Smith, I'd have said. Hence the concern.
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| Quote craigizzard="craigizzard"So far his offences in total are falling foul of (along with ultra-professional James Graham) McNamara's unnecessary ego games and missing curfew; Being caught on camera shouting an offensive word during a game that dozens of players have said before; Being a young single man in a halls of residence after hours well away from game day. None of this is perfect, but none of it is extraordinary either.
Add to that his physical disciplinary record on the field is pretty much perfect. This is hardly Gareth Hock. Not sure how much of Sam's bad name is deserved, though it certainly suits fans of other clubs to destabilize him and Leeds to the extent he'll be pushed out. Disappointing that some of our own fans are helping with that work.'"
You forgot that he blew a kiss at another player and even though his head turned away from camera shot some managed to lip read the word "puff".