Quote Bullseye="Bullseye"I took them from the SL website but there may be some mistakes as I'm using the smallest laptop known to man and it's a bit difficult to use.
As for copying it over so it's easier to read it's beyond my techincal abilities!'"
I hope no criticism was implied as I know what its like trying to get the data into a sensible shape. it was just the missed tackles that were wonky. One thing i have done for my own website is to format data in an excel table, cut and pasted that into Adobe fireworks as that gives the best resolution then saved as a jpg file, but you can paste it into Word then save as image but at lower resolution, and put the image up on the website. other graphics packages should do the same as Fireworks. Where did you get the opta stats from? when I've done an analysis ive copied player by player off the SL site and pasted into excel with the standardisation formulas set up alongside. it was a pain to set up but not so bad to do subsequently. So if you have another source that would be easier to capture, that would be good. Trend data could easily be provided by this season and comparatives for 2011 2010 as a starting point for the discussion. cant wait to see what today has done for the stats and Ian motormouths temper.