On a serious note, the main problem you are going to have is that if you manage to tempt a big name like Tomkins to your club, they are going to have to be massively overpaid in order to just get them to join, so taking an unrealistic chunk of your Salary Cap.
We had similar at Wire, when we signed Langer and then had to stack the team with some right rubbish around him...
At the moment, your problem is that you don't exactly have much to entice a big name player, bar the Doctor's hefty wallet - Your crowds are pretty dire and though you might claim a big signing would boost this, its fair to say that you also claimed the new ground would increase crowds too, yet it obviously hasn't worked.
I think you'd probably be wiser going the Widnes route of steady improvement, but I suppose its the Doctor's prerogative to wave his wad about??.....Personally, I think your best bet would be to get a big name coach and build from there - I think a top class coach would attract the players as much as earning big cash in front of an empty ground would.