Quote Live Wired="Live Wired"This is taken from the Hull FC board, and sums up perfectly what an awful lot of people think.Myself included.
steve_norton wrote:Maybe I am too old fashioned but as someone who sees how easy it is for people to waste thousands of pounds of their employers money by taking time off for stress I think in a lot of instance its an easy way out. If you can't do your job because of stress then perhaps you shouldn't be doing it in the first place, too many people think the world owes them a living.
If Martin Gleeson has things going on in his personal life that need sorting out then by all means take time off work to sort them out but don't call it stress and set a timetable for that to happen and Martin to return to work.
Speaking generally, not about Martin Gleeson, we waste far too much money pandering to people who claim to be stressed and it seems an easy way out, especially since weak GP's seem only too willing to sign people off work for it. I know recently of a nurse who split up with her boyfriend and a doctor signed her off for a month for stress. We all payed for that and it was totally unnecessary. Modern life these days is pretty easy, we don't want for much and what we don't have the government generally gives us. A little perspective and more personal responsibility is needed.'"
You are aware that it is not the real Steve "Knocker" Norton who wrote aren't you?
The sad, clueless, heartless individual who wrote that was also shot down in flames because of his remarks and led to the thread being closed, yet again.
I'm struggling, as Sally Cinnamon also seems to be, to understand the fascination with delving elbow-deep into another person's private life and almost revelling in their problems.
I truly hope that you and the idiot you have quoted never suffer any mental problems and if you do, I hope you arer treated by someone with a little more compassion than you have so far shown.