Quote JWP="JWP"That's not defence, that's team organisation and knowing your role within that. He's never played in an organised Warrington side, well, in fact he has, two games, last year Saint away, Leeds home. We all thought Jimmy had fixed us, we defended so well, beat Leeds, ran Saints to the brink, how many tries were scored down the left in those games ? How many times was Penny exposed ?
Kevin Penny is more than capable of fitting into a structured Warrington Wolves side, now & again, he'll make an error, all players will. We conceded two tries on Sunday, somebody will be to blame, there's always a root cause, I'm confident he'll be more than capable when he gets his chance.'"
Well whatever you want to call it, it's not good enough for 1st team Rugby at the moment, a lot of people think Tony Smith is the man to teach him the ways of Rugby, i hope there right but for the time being leave him were he is.